Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Jigsaw Jungle International in Montreal, QC

A few weeks ago, to prepare for an upcoming trip to Montreal, I was researching the city's top patisseries and poutine options and, somewhere along the way, decided to also check out what Montreal had to offer by way of jigsaw puzzles.

Well, you can imagine how pleasantly surprised (perhaps giddy) I was to stumble upon a jigsaw puzzle WAREHOUSE that welcomes visitors during business hours.

That's right - Jigsaw Jungle is an online retailer that opens its doors to folks interested in shopping directly from their Montreal warehouse, located ~20 minutes from downtown via car.

As mentioned before, it is difficult enough finding a store that carries a decent selection of puzzles, let alone a warehouse stocked full of Educa, Heye, Castorland, etc. So yes, it was a very, very cool experience and yes, somehow I did manage to leave without spending all of my fun money there.

See below for a few photos from my visit. If you find yourself in the city, I'd recommend checking it out!

Small puzzles...

...big puzzles...

...and even more...

...well, you probably get the gist by now.

Jigsaw Jungle International
8126 Rue Jean Brillion
LaSalle, QC H8N 2J5

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