Friday, April 11, 2014

New Documentary 'Wicker Kittens' All About Competitive Jigsaw Puzzling

A few days ago, I came across this teaser (see above) for a new documentary called 'Wicker Kittens', which had its premiere at SXSW last month. According to this St. Paul Pioneer Press article, the title is a reference to the idea that "if you pay attention to jigsaw puzzles, after awhile you feel like 90 percent of them feature kittens or wicker baskets." I guess I (kind of) get it.

The documentary follows 4 teams entered in the jigsaw puzzle competition held at the St. Paul Winter Carnival, apparently the largest in the U.S., in St. Paul, MN. In total, 70 teams compete to assemble 500 piece puzzles, and the contest usually wraps up in under 45 minutes.

Sheesh. I don't doubt that < 45 minutes is really, really fast, but to know exactly how fast, I might just have to pick up a 500 piece puzzle and try it out for myself. Definitely intrigued by this whole concept of competitive jigsaw puzzling - what a doozy.

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