Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Coming Soon: Rue Paris (Educa, 5000pc)

Image via Amazon

Exciting news! Just in time for Spring, I've signed up for my very first 5K challenge.

Of course by 5K, I mean a 5000pc puzzle that happens to depict one of my most favorite cities in the world. Maybe someday I'll participate in a 5K that involves cardio exercise, but for now, I'm off to reminisce about Parisian patisseries and boulangeries while playing the waiting game.

Purchased from Toy & Game Warehouse via Amazon.

UPDATE (4/29/14): It's here! Planning to get started as soon as I find a surface that can fit the whole thing. Full review to be posted once puzzle is complete.

UPDATE (6/3/14): Surface issue solved (see Twitter) - almost ready to go!

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